Hulumtime Marketing

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Autorët Tituli i punimit
Visar Rrustemi;
Saranda Kajtazi; Fitore Jashari
Post-covid-19 social marketing strategy: reorienting production, consumption, and consumer behaviour


Antecedents of electric vehicle purchasing behaviors: Evidence from Türkiye

Baca,G et al.,

Factors affecting customer retention in banking sector: The case of Kosovo

Baca,G et al.,

Assessing attitudes and impact of AI integration in higher education

Baca,G et al.,

Examining the impact of internal marketing strategies on employee-based brand equity benefits

Ademi Fejza, V et al.,

Investigating the impact of advertising spending on brand equity dimensions in Kosovo: A comprehensive market analysis

Jashari-Mani, F. et al.,

Customer engagement in online brand communities and value co-creation: the Balkan countries perspectives

Jashari-Mani, F.

Impact of CRM dimensions on customer retention through customer satisfaction. A customer perspective of Balkan transition economies

Jashari-Mani, F.

Factors Impacting Customer Retention on Services Marketing – Evidence from Balkan Countries

Beqaj, B et al.,

Euroization of the Economy and the Negative Impact of the Strengthening of the Local Currency on Exports and Other Economic Indicators in Albania